
Monday, July 1, 2013

Much needed family time

Yesterday was such a blessing from God. We were finally able to spend the entire day as a family. Tim didn't have to rush off to do a job for someone, and I didn't have to leave after supper to go into the hospital. I had been hoping all week that Sunday was going to turn out that way. Usually when I plan it doesn't go the way I want it, but this time it did!

Tim arrived home from the fire station just in time for us to make it to the early service at church. Thank God He did. We both needed to hear the sermon. I was having a hard time worshipping during the songs and concentrating on God. No lie, the very first words the pastor said was, "If you are having a hard time worshipping then you need to stop focusing on yourself." WOW! Ok God, hearing you loud and clear! For the rest of the service I knew God was telling me something so I paid extra special attention:)

When we got back home we spent time in the living room watching the kids play and run their laps around the staircase. After lunch everyone napped, including Tim and I. What??? Yes! This was a good day indeed!

Throughout the evening there was more fun of laughing, playing chase, and dancing. We ended with Tim reading them stories in our room. I am so thankful for God's provision and giving us a day like that. Not all of them turn out to be sweet memories, but He is ALWAYS in the midst. My prayer is that when the next tough day comes along that I will remember God is always there walking along side of me, not just when things are going my way.

This post was linked to A Mama's story , The Better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Growing home, Heavenly Homemakers, teaching what is good, and Time Warp Wife

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