
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sports or no sports?

Yesterday was my sweet Willow's last soccer game of her very first season. She loved every minute of it. The rest of the family did as well, it gave us all good reason to go out to lunch afterwards:) She was pretty good except for the occasional distractions of butterflies or watching the bigger kids play. She actually walked off the field and grabbed Zoe's baby doll to let the only other little girl on the team play with it... during the game! They were very cute together though.
Throughout the entire season I have wondered if constant involvement in sports is actually a good thing like everyone tells us. From the first game all Willow hears is us cheering, "Yay willow! Good job!" I'm sure this is good for her self esteem but at what point is this giving her the false sense that the world revolves around her? Sure, her siblings are too young to care but they are sitting on the sidelines. Instead of the afternoon being spent doing things as a family, it is spent around Willow. Now don't get me wrong, I have thoroughly enjoyed taking pictures and yelling just like all the other parents but it doesn't keep my mind from wondering if this is the best thing. Perhaps I over think or maybe these are God's whispers. I will definitely be in prayer on the best way to balance sports for everyone and family life.

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