
Monday, July 8, 2013

Childhood possibilities

A child's possible solutions to find fun are endless. They can take nothing and turn it into an adventure within seconds. With overfilled imaginations and popsicle grins it would do us all some good to visit their world every now and then. 

To experience the thrill of staying up past bedtime, or to fight with every ounce you have to keep that soft whisper when you have beat the sun up in the early morning. THIS is where I want to be. Caught in the right here, right now moments. 

I want to love with everything I've got. To hold on tighter and they do.

To have no concept of time or space and let them play outside at 7am and have lunch at 10am.

I want to throw my head back when I laugh and let the tears go ahead and fall when things aren't right.

These precious children are my sweet reminders of LIFE and how to do it right.

Linked up at: A wise Woman Builds Her Home, Deep Roots at Home, Our Simple Farm, raising Homemaker, walking redeemed,  
Jills Home remedies, Graced Simplicity, Raising Mighty Arrows.

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